The goal of Site Ready Utah is to make the selection process easier by proactively locating and certifying sites for future large-scale projects. This is also why we have separated our sites into three categories:
- Certified Site for large-scale projects. 50-400 acres
- Mega Site 1 for mega-scale projects. 400+ acres
- Mega Site 2 same mega-scale acreage with additional certification
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Certification Process
For landowners, certifying your site requires some upfront investment, however as shown by Certified Sites across the US, certification pays dividends by increasing company and site selector interest through marketing and decreased buyer risk.
The certification process for Certified Sites (50-400 acres) includes the following:

- Site information sheet
- Ownership and acreage map
- Tax parcel map
- Demographic report
- Labor report
- FEMA flood map
- Geotechnical Preview
- Transportation/Site accessibility map
- Infrastructure map (power, natural gas, water and wastewater, and telecommunication)
- Infrastructure memo (power, natural gas, water and wastewater, and telecommunication)
- Topographic map
- Zoning map
- Community cooperation memo
- Land and drone photography of property
The certification process for Mega Sites 1 & 2 (400+ acres) includes the following

Mega Site Stage 1 Certification
- Ownership and acreage map
- Labor report
- Tax parcel map
- FEMA flood map
- Topographic map
- Land and drone photography of property
- Infrastructure map (power, natural gas, water and wastewater, and telecommunications)
- Transportation/site accessibility map
- Zoning map

Mega Site Stage 2 Certification
- All the due diligence included in Stage 1 certification, plus the following:
- ALTA survey and title reports
- Environmental ESA reports
- Archeological/cultural reports
- Geotechnical and soils reports
- Wetland delineation and mitigation plan
- Parameters of state and local incentives
- Estimated site development costs and timeline
- Air quality attainment memo
- Demographic report
- Site development and timeline report
- Infrastructure memo (power, natural gas, water and wastewater, and telecommunication)